Monday, January 21, 2013

creamy me

I wore this outfit in my third months pregnancy. captured only with my phone, kinda rushed back then. the top was belong to my mom ten or more years ago. she said she had a black one, given to her sister. pants are from zara, bought it when I was in college, I really miss those old times. didn't sleep properly, stayed awake doing assignments. I took fashion and retail design course, and was thinking to continue my study, maybe after my second child turn two.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Black and gold

Entering my 4th month when these pictures was taken. I got bigger and cheekier :) wore an LBD with gold ensembles. And i cut my hair as well. Turned out, didn't satisfy me enough. I cut it one more time recently, but still doesn't look like what i want. I'm going to cut it again though.

It's raining everyday here, couldn't go anywhere. No pictures taken since i'm in my 7th month. Hope that i will be able to get back to my normal shape in 6 months. And perhaps making new stuff to be worn.

By this march i'm going to be more busy than ever, because there will be a new member in the family. It's so exciting!

Pray for the best! And have a good day :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

3months old

A bit chilly that i decided to took out my sweater. Wore it with my pleated skirt that i have only wore once since highschool. Apparently the baby bump was quite visible by my third month.

During this pregnancy i found myself concern about skin treatment that i started to use more skin products than before. And it's pretty great. My skin is getting much better by now.

Now i'm in my third semester of pregnancy already. And it is exhausting with my 2years old superboy running around.

My sleeping hours are getting less since the superboy recently falls asleep by midnight. *sigh*

Monday, January 7, 2013


Deep green velvet top that i made right before i went to jakarta. I had a sudden urge to cut the leftover fabric and made this top. With a different fabric at the back, to make it less heavy and boring. These pictures were taken when i was still in jakarta, around 4 or 5 months ago. So, yea, these ain't new pictures. But i'll upload more recent pictures later :)

Pictures taken by my husband, in my mom's house. Now almost eleven o'clock at night and my baby is still playing. The little one inside my belly is getting excited as well, giving me a little earthquake from the inside.

Wore the velvet top with a basic bandage skirt, my mom's vintage crocodile clutch and a pair of Zara sandals. Hope you enjoy :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Black navy

Next pictures that i captured while pregnant.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Baby bump

Pictures was taken when i'm in my second month of pregnancy. Was the baby bump visible yet?


i was trying to post something using galaxy S and apparently its quite satisfying. happy new year everyone. i know its late. well, this past few days was pretty exhausting that i don't really have time to post anything. get ready for new update soon. :)
