Monday, January 7, 2013


Deep green velvet top that i made right before i went to jakarta. I had a sudden urge to cut the leftover fabric and made this top. With a different fabric at the back, to make it less heavy and boring. These pictures were taken when i was still in jakarta, around 4 or 5 months ago. So, yea, these ain't new pictures. But i'll upload more recent pictures later :)

Pictures taken by my husband, in my mom's house. Now almost eleven o'clock at night and my baby is still playing. The little one inside my belly is getting excited as well, giving me a little earthquake from the inside.

Wore the velvet top with a basic bandage skirt, my mom's vintage crocodile clutch and a pair of Zara sandals. Hope you enjoy :)


Frank Vinyl said...

so beautiful!


Maycie After Five said...

I that top! Great job!

Maycie After Five said...

Ooops I meant , I love that top!

Anonymous said...

Your dress is STUNNING! Velvet is so amazing, right?